Kids all around the world have commit suicide because of bullying, lack of self confidence, etc. And I want to change that. I want to change the way girls AND boys see.
WHY do GIRLS have to play with PINK stuff? Barbie’s, dollhouses, etc.? WHY do BOYS have to play with BLUE or black stuff? Cars, science stuff, etc.? If I had the money, I’d have a toy store built and it will all just be sorted out on what kind of toys they are. Like for ex: one section is: Doctor Stuff, another section is: Dolls.
YOU SEE? How hard can it be to just label it like THAT instead?
Or, why force your daughter to ballet, or something then into something she REALLY loves? Why force your son into sports then to something he really loves? IF you force them into something they don’t even WANT to do, then you won’t get anything GREAT out of it. Your child would just be miserable, when your child is miserable, what good would it be?
If you let them just do what they love, and not limit their dreams, determination, chances and hope your child will be a STAR.
Now, for the beauty issues:
BECAUSE OF STEROTYPING, some children start their diet at the age of eight. Because of the ‘girl in the magazine’ they believe make-up is the only beautiful thing in them. Actually, some teens and adults are still like that. Is that right? So we’re just going to live like that? ‘Oh sure, just let our little girl wear make-up and believe that’s the only thing beautiful in herself. Oh, no, not her personality. Oh, not her kind heart. Not her talent. No, no, no. ONLY MAKE-UP.’? Hmm? NO. I WILL NOT. And I want YOU. Yes, YOU to change your daughter’s and YOURSELF’s mind about that. Tell HER and YOURSELF the real true beauty in girls. Tell HER and yourself that the ‘girls in the magazines’ get SPRAY TANNED and wear way too much make up.
I don’t care how LONG or HARD it takes. Even if it takes 10 YEARS. I want you to know that make-up is just HIDING that BEAUTIFUL girl. That beautiful girl is YOU.
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